Disable Chrome default browser

no-chrome As it turned out Google Chrome is quite hard to get rid of when it set to be default browser – even Google help page doesn’t give 100% reliable instruction on how to disable this behavior. There is a quick and efficient way to do so

At least on Windows 7.

With Chrome running (and being default browser), open Control Panel->Default Programs->Set Associations. Search for Chrome, click “Change Program…” button and select Microsoft Internet Explorer. After all “Chrome” icons replaced with “Microsoft Internet Explorer” you are done. restart Chrome to verify.

  1. “With Chrome running (and being default browser), open Control Panel->Default Programs->Set Associations. Search for Chrome, click “Change Program…” button and select Microsoft Internet Explorer. After all “Chrome” icons replaced with “Microsoft Internet Explorer” you are done. restart Chrome to verify.” DID NOT WORK…. when crappy chrome was opened it forced itself to become the default browser. thanks anywayz

    • Well, I thought that Chrome not running is the default condition – what you were doing were like changing wheels on running car, obviously when you stop Chrome it will check again and restore it’s default browser configuration.

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