Wordpress: spambots mating season

wp-spamDid anyone notice how quadrupled number of spam comments during last week? I usually check Comments->SPAM folder on daily basis and where usually was about 3-8 comments a day now no less then 70.
It’s interesting and educating to observe how spamming technologies and tools evolve over time – just a few weeks ago there was a wave of spam comments masquerading as pingbacks from completely unrelated blogs, then (mostly from russian origins) spam comments containing couple of paragraphs of text from some text book, now almost every other spam comment contains url from gravatar.com site.
Thanks to the excellent anti-captcha plugin nobody ever sees these comments on my blog except me, in spam folder, and if a real person will decide to leave the comment he will not need to strain his vision trying to recognize graphical captcha (I hate it too).

  1. I’ve also noticed an increase in spam and pingbacks (to unrelated sites) as well as one spam that seemed to disable my BlackBerry WP view spam function. I deleted the spam and all was well. Weird. Akismet does catch most spam though.

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