Monthly Archives: February 2013

Centos: How to run additional apache instance on different port

In some situations you might need to configure and run additional apache httpd instance listening on different port. It is really easy to accomplish using minimal modifications to the standard CentOS apache httpd configuration and init script.
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sysadmin: Brute Force Detection – first line of defense

Most of the hosting servers nowadays are plagued by brute force attacks – too many computers running some or other botnet, too many “no brainer” scan tools are available for the interested.
There are always somebody who doesn’t bother to select good password to secure his account on the server and that could potentially bring a lot of problems not only to him but to the whole hosting company as well – imagine brute-forced password used for SMTP AUTH to send massive amounts of SPAM from the compromised server?
Now there is lot of countermeasures invented for that and here I will explain which one I prefer and why.
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