X-Robots-Tag in headers – fine grained crawlers control in apache

xrobotsI was asked to implement X-Robots-tag on one of our dedicated servers the other day.
This google document explains in the great details what it does and how it influences your site presentation on the search engine.
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Django on cpanel server for shared web hosting

django congrats on successful install

django congrats on successful install

I had a customer request to install Django on cpanel server shared account the other day – took me some time to get it going, mostly because of easyapache not willing to play nice.
Other then that, Jimmy’s blog entry here provides excellent instructions on how to configure it, the only difference being that his cpanel server already had mod_fcgid installed.
So, what I’ll do is just quick recap:
Things to do as root

  1. Make sure your apache had mod_fcgid compiled, if not – run easyapache script from SSH or from WHM web page and make sure mod_fcgid option checked
  2. Install easy_install script –
  3. Use easy_install to install a couple Python packages –
  4. Restart apache, make sure mod_fcgid is loaded

This is it – you can notify customer that he can do his django magic – all prerequisites are in place.

Wordpress: spambots mating season

wp-spamDid anyone notice how quadrupled number of spam comments during last week? I usually check Comments->SPAM folder on daily basis and where usually was about 3-8 comments a day now no less then 70.
It’s interesting and educating to observe how spamming technologies and tools evolve over time – just a few weeks ago there was a wave of spam comments masquerading as pingbacks from completely unrelated blogs, then (mostly from russian origins) spam comments containing couple of paragraphs of text from some text book, now almost every other spam comment contains url from gravatar.com site.
Thanks to the excellent anti-captcha plugin nobody ever sees these comments on my blog except me, in spam folder, and if a real person will decide to leave the comment he will not need to strain his vision trying to recognize graphical captcha (I hate it too).

Apache, PHP, SuEXEC: added security and control

As we know from original article using Apache, PHP in CGI mode along with suExec gives us 2 important security advantages:
– suExec allows to run PHP process with (only) the file owner user privileges, enforcing proper permissions on PHP scripts and thus allowing to avoid cross-site exploits on the server that is running multiple dynamic web sites;
– per site php.ini.
That gives some unique opportunities for securing separate web sites on the server.
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Apache, PHP, SuEXEC: when it just wouldn’t work out.

Looks like I will have a lot to say on this topic still. By now I’ve collected some cases when you can not use PHP in FastCGI mode and to keep the sites running you will need to abandon suEXEC nice and clean privilege separation mechanism in favor of mod_php/ASAPI.
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Trimming down LibreOffice Portable

LibreOffice Portable was published on Jan 27 2011. In many ways it is better then previous OpenOffice portable 3.2 but still leaves some room for improvement. Like removing unused language resources.
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Centos5: OCFS2 cluster FS on dual primary DRBD: part 3 – setup OCFS2 cluster filesystem

Now for the final part – configuring OCFS2 on our dual primary DRBD.
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Centos5: OCFS2 cluster FS on dual primary DRBD: part 2 – setup dual primary DRBD

This is part 2 where we actually install and configure DRBD devices on top of LVM logical volume
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Centos5: OCFS2 cluster FS on dual primary DRBD: part 1 – prepare LVM on RAID1

A while ago I promised to you ( and myself) to publish the instruction on how to setup OCFS2 cluster fs for 2 nodes over DRBD dual primary configuration. Now it’s time.
I am going to split it over multiple posts to cover as many details as possible.
This is part 1 – laying the foundation – LVM over RAID1 setup.
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How to revert Mac OSX Leopard to “Welcome” screen: quick recap

Mac-OS-X-welcome-screen-animationSometimes you just need to “start from the the clean slate”. Or pass your old trusted Macbook to your little brother, or even sell it. But you are really not in the mood for reinstalling the OS and don’t even remember where are these OSX DVDs that came with the Macbook about couple of lifetimes ago.
There is a way to reset OSX back to “Welcome” screen wiping out your user account and everything that was in it (not sure about installed application – I think only your personal preferences will go).
The majority information is taken from here – I just summarized it so somebody else or I can find it again when needed.
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