sysadmin: cPanel installation script detected MySQL and failed

While trying to install cPanel control panel on just reimaged server I’ve got an interesting error, I’ve never seen before:

It turned out that “minimal server” CentOS configuration installs mysql-server RPM package. Easy to fix I thought and ran:

But still got the same error from cPanel install script. Unfortunately there are “leftovers” from mysql server installation that are detected by cPanel installation script. You will need to execute

to satisfy the requirement of “clean server installation”. After that you can install cPanel the usual way.

  1. Thank you. This is one of the irritating unknowns of a ‘clean install’, *mysql installed.

    Useful in most cases

  2. Perfect, that worked, Thanks!

  3. Kundan Sonawane

    Perfect solution that worked, Thanks!

  4. Great advice. Found this using google search. Helped a lot. Thanks!!

  5. thank you!

  6. thanks

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